Invitation to remote meeting 20.10.2020

Welcome to participate in a remote meeting of the Phytoplankton Society on Tuesday 20 October. from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Due to the coronavirus situation, the armoured line workshop planned for the autumn will be postponed. In addition, it is currently better to hold meetings remotely. That is why we are holding two shorter remote meetings. The first remote meeting is already in a couple of weeks on Tuesday 20 October. between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and the second in November, according to the agreement, either on Thursday 19 November. or Friday 20 November There is no entry fee for either remote meeting.

These meetings are intended to be free-form and can be attended without prior registration. The meetings offer members the opportunity to discuss topical issues, watch phytoplankton photos or videos, and discuss possible configuration problems, among other things. Everyone who participates in the meeting can share content for others to see.

The october meeting is expected to review the club’s new website ( Members are happy to receive feedback and thoughts on the content and structure of the pages. If kristiina tells about the algae monitoring in summer 2020.

At the November meeting, Heidi will discuss the 2020 HELCOM PEG BVOL biovolym update and a new interesting article (Altenburger et al. 2020: Dimorphism in cryptophytes – The case of Teleaulax amphioxeia/Plagioselmis prolonga and its ecological implications. – Sci. Adv. 2020; 6: eabb1611) and its effects on the determination of the sinks concerned.

At both meetings, all interested party shareholders have the opportunity to give a short presentation (max. 15-20 min) e.g. interesting observation or a new added taxon. Any presentations can be submitted to the Board of Directors in advance.

A remote meeting is organized as a Teams meeting, which works at least in the Edge browser without further action. The Mozilla browser can ask you to download the Windows app.

Hopefully as many people as possible will be able to participate!


Board of the Phytoplankton Society

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