Remote meeting 20.11.2020

Welcome to the remote November meeting now on Friday 20 November. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

At the meeting, Heidi will discuss the 2020 HELCOM PEG BVOL biovolym update and a new interesting article (Altenburger et al. 2020: Dimorphism in cryptophytes – The case of Teleaulax amphioxeia/Plagioselmis prolonga and its ecological implications. – Sci. Adv. 2020; 6: eabb1611) and its effects on the determination of the sinks concerned.

Heidi and Sirpa have completed the Hearts update and the HELCOM PEG BVOL biovolym update presentation introduces the new taxons included in the list.

In addition, Sirpa Lehtinen and Kristiina Vuorio will tell about the algae monitoring in summer 2020. Raino-Lars Albert and Jere Laine present the club's new website, and Tore Lindholm talks about an armoured linen deposit off the River Aura (Dinoflagellate bloom in the Aura River Mouth).

If you wish to make your own presentation, please inform the Board of (18 November). By.

A remote meeting is organized as a Teams meeting, which works at least in the Edge browser without further action. Mozilla browser may ask you to download the Windows app


Board of the Phytoplankton Society


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