Spring Days 2015

Spring seminar 2015


University of Jyväskylä, Survontie 9, Ambiotica YAB312, Jyväskylä


Tuesday 26 May 2015:

11:00 Opening words

11:15 Maja Łukomska-Kowalczyk: Introduction: phylogeny, current classification, ecology and distribution of photoautotrophic euglenoids

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Bożena Zakryś: Euglenoid cell morphology

14:00 Bożena Zakryś: Diagnostic futures of euglenoid genera

15:00 Coffee

15:30 Microscoping and demonstrations

16:30 Presentations by the participants

17.30 Annual Meeting of the Finnish Phytoplanktonseura ry 2015 (Finnish Phytoplankton Society, yearly meeting)

18:30-19:00 Organisation meeting of the Phytoplankton Online Guide Committee, an open event for all participants in the seminar (Organizing meeting of the phytoplankton internet quide editional committee)

20:00 Dinner, restaurant will be selected later

Wednesday, May 27, 2015:

09:00 Bożena Zakryś: Problems with morphological identification

10:00 Bożena Zakryś: Collecting and preparation of euglenoids for morphological identification

11:00 Microscoping and demonstrations

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Maja Łukomska-Kowalczyk: Molecular identification of euglenoids

14:00 Marko Järvinen: "Phytoplankton ProfTest SYKE 10/2014" (Phytoplankton proficiency test 10/2014)

2:30 p.m. Coffee

15:00 Sirpa Lehtinen: "Phytoplankton ProfTest SYKE 10/2014" (Phytoplankton proficiency test 10/2014)

Sirpa Lehtinen

15:30-16:00 Closing words and discussion

Registration and fee: 50€ for regular members, 25€ for student and retired members, additional member fee for new members. DL for registration is May 15, 2015

or go directly to: https://www.ilmarix.fi/tietoverkko/isoilmari.nsf/ilmoittautuminens?openform&s=n&id=CE12506923D0A618C2257E2D0043D619

Accommodation can be reserved e.g. from the following hotels. Finlandia Hotel Alba (ca 200 m from the university), Omena Hotel Jyväskylä (distance from the university ca 2.5 km), Cumulus (close to railway station, ca 2 km from the university).

More information: Kristiina Vuorio (kristiina.vuorio ( at ] jyu .


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