Invitation to a dinoflagellate workshop 24.-25.4.2023

Welcome to the spring workshop of the Finnish Phytoplankton Society on dinoflagellates from 24.-25.4.2023 in Helsinki. The teachers will be António José Calado and Sandra Carla Craveiro from Portugal.

Below is the workshop programme and a link to the registration form.

Dinoflagellate spring workshop 24–25.4.2023

Suomen ympäristökeskus (Finnish Environment Institute, Syke), A-building, Kokoustila A4, Latokartanonkaari 9, Helsinki

Monday 24.4.2023

10:00    Coffee and welcoming words

10:30     António José Calado – introduction to our research

11:00     António José Calado – the freshwater dinoflagellate groups: organization of Süßwasserflora 6 (2nd ed.)

12:00     Lunch break

13:00     António José Calado – dinoflagellate identification: past and present

14:00     Coffee break

14:00     Annual meeting of the Finnish Phytoplankton Society (in Finnish)

15:00     Short presentations by participants

Microscopy session


19:00     Dinner (at own cost, self-financed)

Tuesday 25.4.2023

09:00     Heidi Hällfors: HELCOM PEG Biovolume list: New taxa, selected new size classes, and corrections proposed by Finland 2023

09:30     António José Calado – identifying dinoflagellates: the coccoid/palmelloid forms

10:00     Sandra Carla Craveiro – identifying dinoflagellates: the naked and thinly thecate groups

11:00     Lunch break

12:00     António José Calado – identifying dinoflagellates: the thecate groups

14:00     Sandra Carla Craveiro – ecology of freshwater dinoflagellates

14:30     Coffee and final discussion

15:00     End of the workshop

The participation fee for the dinoflagellate spring workshop is 100 € for members and 120 € for non-members. Student and pensioner members can attend free of charge. The participation fee for undergraduate students or pensioners outside the club is €50. The one-day fee is €50 for members and €70 for non-members (€25 for students).

Registration by 10 April via the Ilmarix registration system:

Participants are invited to bring samples and photographs of their dinoflagellate samples. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to give a short presentation related to dinoflagellates if they wish. Presentations should be notified in advance to the Board of the Finnish Phytoplankton Society.

Kind regards,

Board of the Phytoplankton Society

Remote meeting 20.11.2020

Welcome to the remote November meeting now on Friday 20 November. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

At the meeting, Heidi will discuss the 2020 HELCOM PEG BVOL biovolym update and a new interesting article (Altenburger et al. 2020: Dimorphism in cryptophytes – The case of Teleaulax amphioxeia/Plagioselmis prolonga and its ecological implications. – Sci. Adv. 2020; 6: eabb1611) and its effects on the determination of the sinks concerned.

Heidi and Sirpa have completed the Hearts update and the HELCOM PEG BVOL biovolym update presentation introduces the new taxons included in the list.

In addition, Sirpa Lehtinen and Kristiina Vuorio will tell about the algae monitoring in summer 2020. Raino-Lars Albert and Jere Laine present the club's new website, and Tore Lindholm talks about an armoured linen deposit off the River Aura (Dinoflagellate bloom in the Aura River Mouth).

If you wish to make your own presentation, please inform the Board of (18 November). By.

A remote meeting is organized as a Teams meeting, which works at least in the Edge browser without further action. Mozilla browser may ask you to download the Windows app


Board of the Phytoplankton Society

Invitation to remote meeting 20.10.2020

Welcome to participate in a remote meeting of the Phytoplankton Society on Tuesday 20 October. from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Due to the coronavirus situation, the armoured line workshop planned for the autumn will be postponed. In addition, it is currently better to hold meetings remotely. That is why we are holding two shorter remote meetings. The first remote meeting is already in a couple of weeks on Tuesday 20 October. between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and the second in November, according to the agreement, either on Thursday 19 November. or Friday 20 November There is no entry fee for either remote meeting.

These meetings are intended to be free-form and can be attended without prior registration. The meetings offer members the opportunity to discuss topical issues, watch phytoplankton photos or videos, and discuss possible configuration problems, among other things. Everyone who participates in the meeting can share content for others to see.

The october meeting is expected to review the club’s new website ( Members are happy to receive feedback and thoughts on the content and structure of the pages. If kristiina tells about the algae monitoring in summer 2020.

At the November meeting, Heidi will discuss the 2020 HELCOM PEG BVOL biovolym update and a new interesting article (Altenburger et al. 2020: Dimorphism in cryptophytes – The case of Teleaulax amphioxeia/Plagioselmis prolonga and its ecological implications. – Sci. Adv. 2020; 6: eabb1611) and its effects on the determination of the sinks concerned.

At both meetings, all interested party shareholders have the opportunity to give a short presentation (max. 15-20 min) e.g. interesting observation or a new added taxon. Any presentations can be submitted to the Board of Directors in advance.

A remote meeting is organized as a Teams meeting, which works at least in the Edge browser without further action. The Mozilla browser can ask you to download the Windows app.

Hopefully as many people as possible will be able to participate!


Board of the Phytoplankton Society

Summer 2020 risk assessment completed

On Thursday, 4 June 2020, a risk assessment of summer blue algae blooms for the neighbouring regions was published:

The risk of blue algae blooms in Finnish seas, as in last year, is considerable or moderate – the final situation will be determined by the summer weather

So summer is here again and the blue algae announcement has started as it:

National algae review 4.6.2020: In some areas of the sea blue-green, there are hardly any blue algae observations on the lakes

THE REST INFORMATION OF THE SEA is happy to receive algae hats – even zero-hats! – even by phone or email. Current algae managers can be found at the bottom of the most recent algae overview (see link above). We would also like to encourage the use of the Observation Transmitter app (see link above).

T. Heidi, Kristiina, Harri & Partners

Autumn Days 2019

Autumn days 2019 will be held at Syke premises in Helsinki (Viikki) wed-Thu 4.-5.12.2019.

Autumn days 4.-5.12.2019

Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), A-talo, Meeting Room, Team A4, Latokartanonkaari 9, Helsinki


Wednesday 4.12.20191
0:00 Welcome coffee, presentation and practical arrangements1
0:15 Heidi Hällfors: Lessons learned on the APC12 course (Advanced Phytoplankton Course) (Roscoff, F
rance 19.5.-8.6.2019): Introduction, ar
moured linens12:00 Lunch (self
-cost)13:00 Heidi Hällfors: Lessons learned in APC12 course: armoured linen (continues), sinks, e
yelash 14:0
0 Coffee 14:30 Marko Järvinen and Kristiina Vuorio: Update of Hearts' i
nland waterway list15:00 Sirpa Lehtinen and Heidi Hällfors: Updating Hearts' sea list and analysing s
ea samples15:30 Kristiina Vuorio and Heidi Hällfors : Instructions for adding taxons and size cl
asses to Hearts16:00 Harmonisation workshop: primarily your own photos and videos (o
r samp
les)-18:0019:00 Dinner (self-cost in a restaurant to be selected later)

Thursday 5.12.20
1909:00 Heidi Hällfors: Lessons learned in APC12 course: contagious, coke phoria, greenish, late
nt11:00 Lunch (self-cost)12:0
0 Satu Zwerver: Threadbare Dolichospermum macrosporumKr
istiina Vuorio: Algae sightings from citizens in summer and autumn 2019 prese
ntations, interesting species observations and articles13:30 Heidi Hällfor
s: Lessons learned in the APC12 course: hiding (continues).15:
00 Coffee, discussion of spring seminar program and final discussion

The main focus of Heidi Hällfors' performances is on the identification of the Baltic phytoplankton species. The entry fee for the meeting is 20 €, undergraduate students and pensioner members 10 €, non-members 40 €.
The entry fee includes meeting coffees. Registration via the link below no later than Friday 22 November 2019. The titles of oral presentations can also be reported via the link below.

Autumn days 2018

Autumn days 2018

Intercalibration of phytoplankton

Date: 29.-30.11.2018

Place: Ruissalo Spa

The topics and titles of oral presentations can be reported to Kristiina Vuorio. We would like those who have added species to the EnvPhyto calculation program to introduce the added species at the time reserved in the program. We hope that other oral presentations will be related to phytoplanktonsystematics, species, phytoplankton analysis or microscope function, etc. related to the club's activities. Length of presentations approx. 10-20 minutes. Note. The program allocates time to view phytoplankton images, videos and harmonise species definitions.