Autumn Days 2019

Autumn days 2019 will be held at Syke premises in Helsinki (Viikki) wed-Thu 4.-5.12.2019.

Autumn days 4.-5.12.2019

Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), A-talo, Meeting Room, Team A4, Latokartanonkaari 9, Helsinki


Wednesday 4.12.20191
0:00 Welcome coffee, presentation and practical arrangements1
0:15 Heidi Hällfors: Lessons learned on the APC12 course (Advanced Phytoplankton Course) (Roscoff, F
rance 19.5.-8.6.2019): Introduction, ar
moured linens12:00 Lunch (self
-cost)13:00 Heidi Hällfors: Lessons learned in APC12 course: armoured linen (continues), sinks, e
yelash 14:0
0 Coffee 14:30 Marko Järvinen and Kristiina Vuorio: Update of Hearts' i
nland waterway list15:00 Sirpa Lehtinen and Heidi Hällfors: Updating Hearts' sea list and analysing s
ea samples15:30 Kristiina Vuorio and Heidi Hällfors : Instructions for adding taxons and size cl
asses to Hearts16:00 Harmonisation workshop: primarily your own photos and videos (o
r samp
les)-18:0019:00 Dinner (self-cost in a restaurant to be selected later)

Thursday 5.12.20
1909:00 Heidi Hällfors: Lessons learned in APC12 course: contagious, coke phoria, greenish, late
nt11:00 Lunch (self-cost)12:0
0 Satu Zwerver: Threadbare Dolichospermum macrosporumKr
istiina Vuorio: Algae sightings from citizens in summer and autumn 2019 prese
ntations, interesting species observations and articles13:30 Heidi Hällfor
s: Lessons learned in the APC12 course: hiding (continues).15:
00 Coffee, discussion of spring seminar program and final discussion

The main focus of Heidi Hällfors' performances is on the identification of the Baltic phytoplankton species. The entry fee for the meeting is 20 €, undergraduate students and pensioner members 10 €, non-members 40 €.
The entry fee includes meeting coffees. Registration via the link below no later than Friday 22 November 2019. The titles of oral presentations can also be reported via the link below.


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