
Welcome to the website of the Finnish Phytoplankton Society!

The Finnish Phytoplankton Society was founded in 2007. The society organises training courses twice a year. The purpose of the society is:

  • to promote and maintain knowledge of phytoplankton species
  • to develop methods for phytoplankton analysis
  • to develop and maintain cooperation between national and foreign phytoplankton experts.

The society also organises benthic diatom education and diatom experts are welcome to join the society to develop diatom knowledge in Finland.

Joining the society

Membership of the Society is open to all individuals and communities interested in or studying phytoplankton. You can also support our activities by becoming a sustaining member with a contribution of your choice. You can join by contacting the secretary of the Finnish Phytoplankton Society (see contact details) and sending the following membership form here (in Finnish).

The membership fee is EUR 20 for full members, EUR 10 for student members and pensioners and EUR 100 for community members. A community member may register three persons who may participate in the Society’s events at the membership fee.

Society’s rules

The Society’s rules 2020 as PDF (in Finnish).

Privacy policy

The Society’s privacy policy in pdf format in Finnish.


The society also organises training in the field of benthic diatoms and diatom experts are welcome to join the society’s activities to develop diatom knowledge in Finland.


A table opens in the appendix, where you can find those carrying out phytoplankton analyses in Finland. Contact information can be sent to the board of the society. The contact details of the board will open from the top bar. Please note that only the contact details of the consultants who have paid the membership fee of the Finnish Phytoplankton Society are published on the society’s website.



Society's logo

Suomen kasviplanktonseura ry

Chairman Kristiina Vuorio

Address: Kristiina Vuorio, Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE) Vesikeskus, Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

Secretary Päivi Hakanen

Email: …@kasviplanktonseura.fi

puheenjohtaja… (Chairman)

sihteeri… (Secretary)

rahastonhoitaja… (Treasurer)

hallitus… (Board)


Member of the board 2024-25

  • Chairman: Kristiina Vuorio (SYKE)
  • Vice-chairman: Sanna Autio (Lounais-Suomen vesi- ja ympäristötutkimus Oy)
  • Secretary: Päivi Hakanen
  • Treasurer: Raino-Lars Albert (Ecomonitor Oy)
  • Member: Jonna Hänninen (KVVY Tutkimus Oy)
  • Deputy member: Maria Immonen
  • Deputy member: Aino Juutinen